Sunday, 9 September 2012


So as promised (via twitter) I've picked out 5 of the most accessible online boutiques that rely mostly on word-of-mouth advertisement, and are therefore not hugely popular yet, to share with you. I'm also sure fellow bloggers will appreciate the suggestions as I myself am always on the hunt for new, affordable and unique boutiques! I won't go into detail, so I'll just let you have a browse of their websites and see what you think. The links below the images should take you to each website with one click. 
Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Laura said...

thank you for this!
i've not heard of any of these bar one so i'll definitely be looking at these.
anyway, i really like your blog and you seem lovely so i hope you'll come by and say hi, i'd love to chat sometime!
hope to hear from you soon!
your newest follower,
laura xx