Thursday, 18 April 2013


It's official. I'm a terrible blogger. I seem to have no time at all at the moment to spare for this ol' blog, what with exam season three weeks away (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!) and general living taking up most of my free time. Stupid life.
Anyway here's an old outfit I haven't uploaded yet. It's been so long since I took the time to put together a really fun outfit that I loved wearing. This outfit is made up of four things from my wardrobe which I completely adore, making it a rarely successful outfit for me. Anyone who knows me even a little will know that black is my favourite colour. This led to an infatuation with the recent monochrome trend, as this outfit seems to demonstrate quite well. My Superga's are my favourite shoes ever ever ever, and so they should be for £70! However I do intend to keep them forever and they're super practical and super comfy-once you get past the brutal blister stage, so more than worth it in my humble opinion.

Hopefully the weather will keep getting better now and outfit planning will become a bit easier!
I wish I had more time to spend writing here instead of for school projects and exams but such is life.
Peace & Love & Stuff

Crop top: Topshop
Baseball Jacket: Missguided
Jeans: Topshop
Shoes: Superga