Sunday, 11 November 2012


Ooops! It appears to have been a whole week since I last blogged! It has been a pretty busy week however; those of you who follow me on instagram or twitter will have seen Ivy in her pink leopard print bandage after she accumulated a nasty cut on her leg. She does look super stylish now though so every cloud, eh?
I think, however, that the main reason for my lack of posting recently is that I've been feeling rather uninspired, dare I say it. With a lack of cash and an ever-growing wish-list, I've noticed a decrease in the number of items out there that I completely adore and an increase in items that I simply 'really want'. This probably makes no sense to any of you reading in short I think I may have developed a little shopaholic problem!
I did purchase a new jumper yesterday (to be featured on tomorrow's post) and I do really love it, but I noticed I didn't get half the satisfaction from buying it as I would have a few months ago. My idea of a solution to this is to introduce a spending ban into my life, for the next month-excluding the winter coat my mother will kindly purchase for me. 
Of course this is producing problems already. I have two parties in the next few weeks and zilch to wear. I am determined to stick to my spending ban however so keep your eyes peeled for some wardrobe revamping and experimental creations and of course, apologies in advance for any wardrobe mistakes that appear as a result of this. I am really looking forward to doing some more styling and less buying though:-)

Enough of the rambling, time to get back into the swing of things. My absence means I'm behind on the weekly round ups but they'll be back-aplenty this Friday. I'm also keen to share with you my high-street and high-fashion wish-lists (both equally unattainable right now) and finally, at least one or two ootd posts. So there's a heads up for the week ahead on with0utacare. 
Have a lovely relaxing Sunday and enjoy the week ahead without a care. Yes I just fit the blog title into a casual sentence. Smooth right?